Tuesday, February 25, 2025

I Bet You Didn't Know Elder Oaks Could Smile Like This!!

Dallin H Oaks smiled a really wonderful smile for his newest video!
His whole face lights up, even his eyes!
It's truly a wonderful picture!
Who knew he had such a wonderful smile??!!!
Well, of course, his wife does!

He Is Risen! 
A Special 2025 Easter Season Message 
from the First Presidency

 Watch the video online HERE

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Monday, December 30, 2024

Come Follow Me - Christmas Lesson


From Nephi to Moroni, every Book of Mormon prophet was committed to the sacred purpose summarized on the book’s title page: “the convincing of [all people] that Jesus is the Christ.” One prophet saw Him as a premortal spirit, and another saw His mortal ministry in a vision. One stood on a wall to proclaim the signs of His birth and His death, and another knelt before His resurrected body, touching the wounds in His hands, feet, and side. All of them knew this essential truth: “There is no other way nor means whereby man can be saved, only through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ, who … cometh to redeem the world” (Helaman 5:9).

So during this Christmas season, as believers around the world celebrate the goodness and love of God in sending His Son, ponder how the Book of Mormon has strengthened your faith in Christ. As you think about His birth, ponder why He came and how His coming has changed your life. Then you can experience the true joy of Christmas—the gift that Jesus Christ gives to you.

Ideas for Learning at Home and at Church

Jesus Christ was born to be my Savior.

It’s traditional to read the story of the Savior’s birth in the New Testament at Christmastime, but you can also find moving prophecies of this sacred event in the Book of Mormon. For example, prophecies of the Savior’s birth and ministry are found in 1 Nephi 11:13–36Mosiah 3:5–10; and Helaman 14:1–13. What impressions about Jesus Christ come to you as you read these passages and contemplate the symbolism of the signs of His birth? How do the testimonies of these prophets strengthen your testimony of Christ and His mission?

  • Here are some other suggestions to help you focus on Jesus Christ at Christmastime:

  1. Did you know that you can watch messages from previous First Presidency Christmas devotionals in the Gospel Library? Look for them in the “Christmas Videos” collection. Consider sharing these messages and music to spread Christmas cheer.
  2. You and your family might also enjoy listening to selections from the “Christmas Music” collection in the Gospel Library.
  3. Consider planning activities that you or your family can do in the days leading up to Christmas to feel the Spirit of Christ, such as serving someone or singing Christmas hymns together.   See LighttheWorld.org for ideas.

Away in a Manger,” Hymns, no. 206.

Christmas Study Plan Gospel Library Banner

Jesus Christ is the Redeemer of the world.

The main reason we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ is because of His atoning sacrifice. Because of that sacrifice, He can save us from sin and death, comfort us in afflictions, and help us “be perfected in Him” (Moroni 10:32). What have you learned from the Book of Mormon this year about the Savior’s power to redeem you? Do any accounts or teachings stand out to you? Consider what the following passages teach you about the Savior’s redeeming mission: 2 Nephi 2:6Alma 7:7–1311:40; and Helaman 5:914:16–17. What do you feel inspired to do to show Him your gratitude?

seminary icon
The Book of Mormon testifies of Jesus Christ.

“Another Testament of Jesus Christ” is more than just a subtitle for the Book of Mormon; it is a statement of its divine purpose. Ponder what you learn from the following scriptures about the Book of Mormon’s mission to testify of Christ: 1 Nephi 6:419:18; and 2 Nephi 25:23, 2633:4, 10.

Consider recording in a journal how studying the Book of Mormon this year has brought you closer to Christ. The following prompts might help:

“Something I learned or felt about the Savior this year was …”

  • “Learning about the Savior in the Book of Mormon changed the way that I …”

  • “My favorite person [or story] in the Book of Mormon taught me that the Savior …”

  • Maybe there’s someone who would be blessed to know how you feel about the Book of Mormon. How might you share your experiences and testimony? You might feel inspired to give a copy as a Christmas gift. The Book of Mormon app makes sharing simple.

Bishop Gérald Caussé listed several truths from the Book of Mormon about Jesus Christ (see “A Living Witness of the Living Christ,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2020, 39–40). You might look at his list and ponder how each of these truths has changed—or could change—your life.

See also Gospel Topics, “Book of Mormon,” Gospel Library.

For more ideas, see this month’s issues of the Liahona and For the Strength of Youth magazines.

Ideas for Teaching Children

Because this Sunday is the fifth Sunday of the month, Primary teachers are encouraged to use learning activities in “Appendix B: Preparing Children for a Lifetime on God’s Covenant Path.”

Jesus Christ is Heavenly Father’s gift to me.

  • To help your children focus on the gift Heavenly Father gave us by sending His Son, you could wrap a picture of Jesus Christ like a Christmas present. You and your children could talk about favorite Christmas gifts you have received or hope to receive. Then they could unwrap the picture of Christ and discuss how He has been a precious gift for us. A song like “He Sent His Son” (Children’s Songbook, 34–35) could add to this conversation. Help your children find phrases in the song that describe blessings we have because of Jesus’s birth.

Jesus Christ was born to be my Savior.

  • Your children might enjoy sharing with you what they know about Jesus’s birth. The Gospel Art Book has several pictures that could help them tell the story (see nos. 28293031). You could also look at pictures depicting the Savior’s life and atoning sacrifice. Why did Heavenly Father send Jesus Christ?


  • Your children might also enjoy drawing their own pictures of Jesus’s birth and ministry. Maybe they could draw what is described in 1 Nephi 11:13–23Mosiah 3:5–10Helaman 14:1–13; and 3 Nephi 1:4–22. Then they could share with you what their pictures teach about Jesus Christ.

  • To emphasize that the Bible and Book of Mormon both teach of Jesus’s birth, you could list the events described in Luke 2:4–14Matthew 2:1–2; and 3 Nephi 1:15, 19–21. Then your children could search these scriptures to determine which events happened in Bethlehem, the Americas, or both. Why are we thankful to have the Book of Mormon as a second witness of Jesus’s birth?

Children love stories. Stories are one of the best ways to help children learn and remember truths. As you share the story of Jesus’s birth, consider also sharing stories from your life that have helped to strengthen your faith in the Savior.The Book of Mormon testifies of Jesus Christ.

  • The Book of Mormon testifies of Jesus Christ.

  • As you and your children conclude your study of the Book of Mormon this year, it might be a good time to share with each other your favorite stories or passages from this sacred book. Looking at some of the pictures in Come, Follow Me or Book of Mormon Stories could help your children remember what they’ve been learning this year. Help them see what these stories teach us about Jesus Christ.

  • You could also give your children a picture of Jesus, or let them draw their own. Invite them to hold up their pictures each time they hear Christ’s name as you read 2 Nephi 25:23, 26. Testify that the Book of Mormon was written to help us “believe in Christ” (2 Nephi 25:23).

For more ideas, see this month’s issue of the Friend magazine.

an angel showing Nephi the Virgin Mary in a visionNephi’s Vision of the Virgin Mary, by Judith A. Mehr

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

2024 Christmas Study Plan

Find the below study guide online at:

You'll have to click on the links provided to see the music and videos shown below - some of them are too big to upload here. Sorry about that!

Or access on your gospel library app

Thursday, December 19

Prophets Foretold the Birth of Jesus

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given” (Isaiah 9:6).

Isaiah sees vision of Mary with baby Jesus

Prophets testify of God’s plan of salvation so they can help build the faith of others. President Russell M. Nelson said, “[Jesus Christ’s birth was] foreseen by prophets since the days of Adam [and Eve].” Study the testimonies of God’s prophets who foresaw and foretold the birth of Jesus Christ.

Scriptures and Questions

  • Isaiah 9:6–7

    Isaiah prophesied about the birth of Jesus Christ during a time of great trouble and uncertainty for the people of Judah. How might Isaiah’s words have given the people hope?

  • 1 Nephi 11:13–23

    Nephi, one of the first prophets in the Book of Mormon, was shown the Savior’s birth by an angel. What do you think the angel wanted Nephi to understand about Jesus Christ?

  • Mosiah 3:5–10

    King Benjamin was another Book of Mormon prophet who learned from an angel about the Savior’s coming. Note the names, titles, and words the angel uses to teach about Christ and His mission. Which words seem especially important to you and why?

  • Helaman 14:1–13

    Samuel the Lamanite, who lived just before Christ’s birth, told of great signs in the heavens that would appear on the day the Son of God was born. Look for them in these verses and ponder what these signs might symbolize. What do they teach you about Jesus Christ?

  • This video to large to upload - see video here:
    Video  “Samuel the Lamanite Prophesies of Jesus Christ”

Samuel the Lamanite Prophesies of Jesus Christ

Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus,” Children’s Songbook, 36

Activity for Children

Book of Mormon prophets coloring page

Service Ideas

  • Invite a neighbor to a worship service.
  • Ask a coworker how you can lighten their load.
  • Go caroling with a group.

Friday, December 20

An Angel Appeared to Mary and to Joseph

“Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word” (Luke 1:38).

angel appearing to Mary

Mary was humble and had great faith in accepting her role in God’s plan of salvation as the mother of the Son of God. President Jeffrey R. Holland noted, “[Her] courage and conspicuous faith are as striking as anything ever recorded in scripture.” Similarly, Joseph was a man of integrity and humility and was divinely appointed to support Mary and raise the Savior of the world alongside her.

Scriptures and Questions

  • What impresses you about Mary’s responses to the angel? What evidence do you see of her courage and faith?

  • Video  “An Angel Foretells Christ’s Birth to Mary”

  • An Angel Foretells Christ’s Birth to Mary
  • As you read about Joseph’s experience, consider why he might have chosen to break his engagement with Mary privately rather than publicly (“to put her away privily” [Matthew 1:19]). What does this tell you about Joseph’s character? What else do you learn about him from his response to the angel’s message?

angel appearing to Joseph


When Joseph Went to Bethlehem,” Children’s Songbook, 38

Activity for Children

The angel Gabriel appearing to Mary - ch.2-1

The angel Gabriel told Mary and Joseph that Mary would give birth to Jesus Christ, and the angel brought them comfort. We can be angels for others by helping them feel God’s love! Cut out slips of paper. On each slip of paper write a message of love, and share it with a friend or family member.

Service Ideas

  • Text someone you are grateful for.
  • Be kind to yourself. Practice self-care.
  • Help someone research their family history.

Saturday, December 21

Elisabeth Bore John, and Zacharias Testified

“And he shall go before him in … spirit and power… to make ready a people prepared for the Lord” (Luke 1:17).

Elisabeth and Zacharias

Elisabeth and her husband, Zacharias, “were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord” (Luke 1:6). Yet, despite their faithfulness, they were unable to have children. How do you show faith in God’s promises even when you aren’t experiencing blessings as you hoped?

Scriptures and Questions

  • Luke 1:5–25, 67–80

  • Compare Zacharias’s words before he couldn’t speak and after he regained his speech. What did Zacharias learn? What can you learn from Zacharias’s experience?

  • Luke 1:39–66

    After Mary learned that she would be the mother of the Son of God, she visited her cousin Elisabeth, who was also experiencing a miraculous pregnancy. How did Mary and Elisabeth support each other? Consider how you, your friends, or your family support each other.

  • Video  "Mary and Elisabeth Rejoice Together”


Joy to the World,” Hymns, no. 201

Activity for Children

Elisabeth greeting Mary

When Elisabeth and Mary were waiting for John the Baptist and Jesus to be born, they helped each other. Stand in a circle. Toss a ball or crumpled piece of paper to someone else in the circle. When the person catches the ball, they shout out a quality of a good friend (like kind, fun, or thoughtful).

Service Ideas

  • Tell a loved one they matter to you.
  • Visit with an elderly neighbor.
  • Invite others to a Christmas celebration.

Sunday, December 22

Angels Announced Jesus’s Birth to the Shepherds

“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:11).

angel appearing to shepherds

The angelic announcement to the shepherds was a divine declaration that the Savior’s birth is a cause to celebrate! It replaces fear with joy, glory, peace, and goodwill. The angel said this good news “shall be to all people” (Luke 2:10), so the shepherds “made [it] known abroad” (verse 17).

Elder Neil L. Andersen observed: “What comfort and reassurance Joseph and Mary must have felt as they realized there was purpose in the difficulty that surrounded them. The angels had declared His coming and His noble mission.” As humble shepherds worshipped at the manger, they were adding their witness to Mary’s and Joseph’s that this baby was God’s Son and a divine plan was at work.

Scriptures and Questions

  • Luke 2:8–20

    What words and phrases stand out as you study the angels’ message to the shepherds?

    What good news has God given you that you want to share?

This video also too large to upload - see video here:

Video  “Shepherds Learn of the Birth of Christ”


Shepherds Learn of the Birth of Christ


Far, Far Away on Judea’s Plains,” Hymns, no. 212

Activity for Children

image of an angel appearing to shepherds

Service Ideas

  • Help a loved one clean their home.
  • Leave a gift on a neighbor’s doorstep.
  • Make a Christmas playlist and share it with a friend.
  • You can also share the Gift of Christmas Music playlist from The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square with family and friends.

Monday, December 23

The Lord Provides a Night Without Darkness in the Americas

“Lift up your head and be of good cheer; for behold, the time is at hand, … and on the morrow come I into the world” (3 Nephi 1:13).

star appears in the Americas

“The scriptural story of Jesus Christ,” President Russell M. Nelson taught, “is indeed a two-hemisphere story. While Mary and Joseph in the East were making preparations for the holy child’s birth in Bethlehem, Nephi in the West was being taught by the premortal Messiah. To Nephi the Lord said, ‘Be of good cheer; … on the morrow come I into the world, to show unto the world that I will fulfil all that which I have caused to be spoken by the mouth of my holy prophets’ [3 Nephi 1:13].”

As you reflect on the birth of Christ, consider the convergence of heavenly signs and earthly witnesses testifying that Jesus was born to save.

Scriptures and Questions

  • These verses describe what happened in the Americas on the eve of Jesus Christ’s birth in Bethlehem. As you read them, imagine yourself among the believers on that sacred night. What might you have felt or thought or done?

  • What does this Book of Mormon event add to your understanding of Jesus Christ and His mission?

Video   “Nephi Prays and Signs of Christ’s Birth Appear”


Star Bright,” Hymns—For Home and Church, no. 1204

Activity for Children

a new star appears

Service Ideas

  • Take a walk with a friend.
  • Volunteer at your local library.
  • Clean up trash in your community.

Tuesday, December 24

Jesus Christ Was Born and Presented in the Temple

“She brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger” (Luke 2:7).

Nativity scene

Jesus Christ was born to be the Savior of the world. Mary and Joseph journeyed to Bethlehem. Away from the crowded inn, Mary gave birth to Jesus in a stable. Angels appeared to shepherds, who then went to see the baby Jesus. After the shepherds left to tell everyone what they had seen and heard, “Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart” (Luke 2:19).

Video  “The Christ Child”

Simeon had been waiting for the Messiah, and he finally received a personal prompting that the day had come. Following that prompting to the temple, Simeon was blessed with a one-on-one encounter with the Messiah he had been seeking.

Simeon greeting the Christ child

Anna spent much of her time in the temple. One day, Anna had a unique and personal experience with the Savior.

Scriptures and Questions

  • Luke 2:1–38

  • What have you felt or learned about as you read the Christmas story?

    What do you think individuals who saw baby Jesus (such as the shepherds, Simeon, and Anna) shared with others about their firsthand experiences? What do you feel inspired to tell people about Him?


What Child Is This?,” Hymns—For Home and Church, no. 1203

Activity for Children

Nativity cutouts

Use the Nativity cutouts to make your own Nativity scene. You can also use a prepared play script to tell the Nativity story or use your imagination to create your own script.

Service Ideas

  • Pray for someone by name.
  • Call someone you miss.
  • Give a friend a hug.

Wednesday, December 25

The Wise Men Worshipped Jesus and Gave Gifts

“Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him” (Matthew 2:2).

Wise Men presenting gifts

We don’t know much about the Wise Men mentioned in Matthew 2, but we know they looked forward to the coming of the Messiah. They were willing to travel far to worship Him. And their gifts have inspired a long tradition of giving at Christmastime. “We cannot doubt,” President Dallin H. Oaks said, “that they were led by the Lord for His sacred purpose. … These wise men were of another land and culture, so a witness to them was a reminder that the Messiah was born for all people.”

Their simple story reminds us to reflect on our hope in Christ’s coming, our diligence in worshipping Him, and the gifts we can give to Him.

Scriptures and Questions

  • Matthew 2:1–12

    How might the Wise Men’s journey apply to you?

    How do you seek, find, or worship Jesus Christ?

Video  “The Wise Men Seek Jesus”


With Wondering Awe,” Hymns, no. 210

Activity for Children

Can You Find the Hidden Things?

The Wise Men found Jesus in Bethlehem and worshipped Him. Can you find all these hidden items?

Service Ideas

  • Give your favorite book to a loved one.
  • Give your neighbor a compliment.
  • Donate to a local charity.

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One Drop At A Time: The Giving Machines | #LightTheWorld